See Here: 8 Photos Of Weird Medical Conditions That Will Make You Vomit


#1. Tree Bark Skin Disorder

In this disorder, skin become full of wart-like lesson. Lesions are reddish brown and have scaly surfaces and irregular borders and exposed to sun, they are slightly raised.

#2. Can You Guess What This Is?
It’s an maggot infected toe. Isn’t it disgusting.

#3. Bubble Skin Disorder.

In this disorder, uneven bubble appeared on full body. Some time these bubble become very large and start sagging from body.

#4.Fly Larvae In A Man’s Gums. Disgusting!

Have you checked your gums?

#5.This Not That Disgusting But Really Very Weird.


Defined as abnormally large fingers or toes from birth due to overgrowth of underlying bone and soft tissue.

#7. Noma

A severe disfiguring gangrene of the mouth and face that starts as a gingival ulcer and spreads rapidly through the tissues.