See Here: He Tried To Troll His Dad With THIS Trick, And Here’s How It Backfires


This picture speaks and carries a lot of weight. Some of the people might say that this kid has got no respect for the person who was responsible for bringing him in this world while others would say that it is absolutely mischievous of the guy to have done this to the day. Whatever the case is and in whichever side you are, you have got to admit that this guy here has got a mind that most of the people do not and yes, a heart as well!

A simplest of the starts; while most of the people would expect that your dad would greet you in his first message; this was not the case with this guy who absolutely would have been shocked to read the very first message of the dad to be as straight forward as this. This scenario however gives us an idea of how bad the relationship is between the two set of people. This dad as it seems has become fed up of his son and as such is not at all interested in talking to the poor fellow.

This kid was helped a lot by his father in the previous year for filling up his tax return as it seems he fell quite a lot to do it on his own. Nevertheless, this time around, his dad has sent out a clear signal that he will not be helping his son with his taxes and he would be absolutely on his own. So kid, you might have got a loads of task to do; so it is better you keep your head occupied there rather than in your mischievous acts. This time around, you wont have the help of Dad!

This poor dad did not know the exact reason on why his son was very much interested in saying “Love You” to his father. The father actually thought that he wanted to get his things done and as a result his son was trying to butter him whereas this was not the case. He was doing it so because he wanted to make fun of his father but as the saying goes “A father is always a father”; he did not fall for his cheap tricks and tactics and as such did not type those two amazing words!

As it seems, his dad was quite unhappy with his son for not behaving in the way he should have and for not acting as a mature guy even after he separated from his parents’ home. He rightly insulted his son for not doing what he was expected and as such he made a narrow escape from the authorities as they did not audit him otherwise he would have been in a jail or easily would have lost his place and right now would have been living on the streets. Having said that, he has totally not been good enough with his act of laundry as well as it had to be cleaned by his mother even though she was not responsible for it!

On one end of the phone, this kid was trying desperately hard to make his father type “Love You” and on the other side, the father was suspecting his kid needed an another favor from him and in the meantime, was trying his best to insult him so that he realizes that he is good and has grown up enough that he should be taking care of the things all alone. With one trying hard to stop his father insulting him, the father was not at all in the mood of backing off from the chance to take on his kid at full throttle.

The kid to be honest did act a little stupid by putting his dirty socks in that hamper but yes later on, he did come back with a strong satirize which was aimed at his dad. Had his dad been responsible and had he set a very strong example, his kid would not have ended up at a place and the situation where he would not have been able to pay off his taxes.

When you have been trying really hard to make your father say the words that you desperately want to hear and in return your father comes right at the front with insults aimed at you, the best way to make a come back is the act that this guy did but how amazing it is when even your phone is not with you and is not helping you with your cause. Just like when nothing is going the way you have planned, the only thing that is left to mess up is your phone which too has fully gone against you!

It turns out that it was not the son who tried to play with his dad but it was always the father or the dad who was playing with his son. The son might have made a shortcut in his father’s phone, but it was the father’s change in his son’s phone that worked and played the trick. So considering this, you might want to know and understand that you should never ever try to play with the ones who have seen more of the world because in the end, it will be only them who will be on the wining side!
