See Here How To Poop Quickly When You Don’t Have A Lot Of Time


1. Fiber. First off, you want to ensure your fiber is adequate. Doctors recommend 25-30 grams a day. Seek out fiber foods like vegetables and be sure to consume them daily.

2. Squat. This is actually a big reason for people not being able to pass. We’ve been conditioned to sit on a toilet with our feet planted on the ground. This creates a blockade which prevents poop from passing properly. If you take a stool and place it under your feet (thus elevating your feet) you create a squatting position which opens up a bigger passageway to pass.

3.Water. Drink lots of water! Not consuming enough fluid can lead to constipation. Be sure to stay hydrated as this allows for better movement.

4.Coffee. As long as you are keeping hydrated by drinking water, you can have coffee which will encourage you to go easier.

5.Activity. Physical activity actually helps with going as well. If you are just sitting all day as opposed to moving around and being active, then you will have a harder time on the stool.

6.Massage. Giving yourself a massage can help as well. The key is the perineum. Here’s what doctors at Yale had to say: “Pressing on your perineum is like pressing a magic button that makes it easier to defecate.”

7.Time. Give yourself enough time to go. If you are like some people who go around the same time everyday, then be sure to schedule extra time around the period where your poop.

8.Probiotics. Consuming probiotics, be it from yogurt or supplementation, can maintain a healthy digestive tract, allowing you to go much easier.

9.Glycerin Suppository. These are a last resort, as in an emergency. These will bring water into the intestines, producing a bowel movement in a 15 to 60 minute time frame.
