See Here: This Wrong Number Group Text About Mom Having A Baby Is Actually Going Viral!


However, some people are lucky that they accidentally sent a text on a wrong number because you never know if a person you texted is really hot and you guys really start talking. So, it’s all about fate, a wrong number might help you meet the right person! But, it is not necessary that texting a wrong person help you meet a hot guy or a girl for that matter. The person you texted might have a really good nature and they might end up doing something extra ordinary for you. These days, group texting is a trend and you might end up accidentally adding a wrong number in your group just like you are likely to text a wrong number. So, the person you add might be irritating or just simply wonderful, it all depends on your luck, and recently something happened that is going viral on the Internet! Want to find out? Follow the story!

This is what we were talking about! So, this guy was apparently group texting his friends or relatives updating them about the couple that is expecting a baby. But it seems like, he accidentally added a wrong number in the group instead of someone he intended to add in there. Maybe he was just too excited to see what number was he adding but then the guy whom he texted even told him that it’s not the person he intended to text and to be courteous, he even congratulated him!

But even though the “unwanted” guy knew that he was not the expected recipient of the text, he still stayed right there and acted so cool, and in fact, he talked to a stranger like no one else would. Even though he should have congratulated and just backed off but he went a step further and intended to visit the hospital to meet the baby. A stranger wouldn’t certainly get frank with you so randomly but this guy was very different! But was it a prank or did he really show up?

While telling the room number, this guy would really have thought that the other person is playing a prank and that is why he just randomly gave him the room number and sent those emoji because he wasn’t even serious. Why would a stranger especially come to meet you? It sounds weird because the text was mistakenly sent and congratulating was fine but going to the hospital is a little too much. We bet that the guy who texted wasn’t even expected him to show up. Little did he know what was going to happen next!

Oh, so they really came! Not only did that guy come but also brought his brother along and they even brought the gift for the baby. The story was shared on Facebook by the guy who accidentally texted and it seems like he is deeply touched to have met someone who has such a good heart. But it looks like, they lost him again since they don’t know his Facebook. Some people really have such good hearts.

This is a beautiful incident because normally we have seen wrong numbers irritating people and bugging them but this is probably the first time, a text to a wrong number made two people happy. However, that doesn’t mean you start texting wrong numbers in the hope that you might come across a person like that and get some gift because there is an even greater probability that you will regret doing that! So, watch out. This happens once in a blue moon. The couple must have been deeply touched though! SHARE to spread the word of generosity..
