Learn Here: This 3 Day Military Diet Couples Challenge Had Amazing Before And After Results


Being tough doesn’t count in a diet but if it works then it is something! There can’t be any diet in this world which you could call it easy! So these three couples went on a military diet couple challenge and within three days their bodies were completely transformed! They worked obviously really hard to stay away from unhealthy food!

One of the couple said that they don’t feel really good about their body! And another couple said that they think that their body falls neither in the unattractive criteria and nor in the attractive criteria and it is somewhat in the middle so they think that their body is just medium! Hmm, having a ‘medium’ body is what gets you started for a diet I guess!

So when they got the food bag, doesn’t that sounds exciting? Someone handling you a food bag and you wonder how much food items you could get in it! But this wasn’t the case for these poor ones as they were on a military diet! So here’s what they got; a slice of bread, bananas, hot dogs, a slice of cheese and stuff like this!

After the day 1 lunch, some of them gave the reviews and told that they actually want to kill themselves, and no wonder because for someone who loves food and you give them bananas for lunch it would feel like you are living in some kind of hell! But the biggest achievement for them was they finished the military diet and they were still alive!

And then there comes the day two! The couples started the day with this kick off diet but even after having breakfast they were still damn hungry and they had no idea how they are going to make up for the rest of the day! But nonetheless they were still killing it and had the motivation of each other so yeah the day went pretty good for them!

And finally comes the third day! They were like zombies! Literally starved on death and wanting to eat the first proper food item they could get in their sight! Third day was the toughest they had little snacks throughout the day and were literally starving and wanted to EAT something, and some of them were showing the mental effects of it!

When the final day came…. You won’t believe how amazing the results were! It made those couples jumping out of happiness and they felt achieved that they nailed the military couple challenge! One of the girl lost 7 pounds within 3 days, can you imagine that? The couple said that when you are doing it, it really kinda sucks but when you see the results you believe that it is worth it!

Some of them were so happy that they lost 10 pounds altogether! After all the hard work when they saw the results they were so happy and thought that it was all worth it! Unlike some of the diets which just make you feel bad that after all the effort you achieve nothing and that can put you off like anything!

The couples shared their experiences! One of the girl said that she was very snippy with her partner on the third day! It was like anything he would say or complain about to her she would say ‘shut up’ to him, and I guess it was justified!

And obviously as it was a challenge so there would be a winner too! So these guys were the winner and they did it better than others! Both of them jointly lost 12 pounds and that too within just three days! Kudos to all of them!

Hey, this is the complete video embedding! You should check it out to know how couples completed and nailed the military couple diet challenge! Don’t forget to SHARE it with someone who’s looking to lose weight like anything.
