Read Here: These Most Common Hairstyles Are Damaging Your Hairs Badly


Then we have extensions! Extensions have been in the hair world for so long and they are the perfect way that can make you look so $exy and stylish! But again getting extensions to your hair is just so dangerous! It is very harmful for your hair because the clip in extensions have the risk of breaking your hair and could eventually weaken your roots! So next time you might wanna be a little careful!

Remember the time when it was all about Poofy hair! Yes still it is, and most of us women have this great urge that we have this poofy hair all the time! It adds so much volume to your hair, your hair starts to look fuller but have you noticed that it causes so much knots and tangles in your hair which eventually break your hair? So just to get some volume and fluffiness in your hair I don’t think you would like to break your hair!

Now we all know to get straight strands you need an iron! But giving this much heat to your hair all the time can eventually burn them and make them dull! Because so much heat on your hair damages the roots and it makes the moisture vapor off from your hair. Believe me I have seen the harsh results of ironing! So why do such thing that could cost you so much at the end of the day!

Braid is the hairstyle that suits almost every hair type, and you can wear it anywhere whether it is something casual or even formal! But you know what by making a braid you are actually stretching your hair. By doing this hair style again and again it can wrench the roots and can make your hair become thin which will lead to follicle damage, and you know what happens after that the most hatred split ends arrive!

Whenever we are in rush or getting late we just get our hair tied in a ponytail or a bun even when they are wet! But we have never come to the thought that how much it could be a dangerous for the health of our hair! When your hair are wet, they become so fragile more than you can even imagine and by making a ponytail or a bun you are making them more weak and they eventually break!

Side braids sure look very cute but they are so dangerous for the roots of your hair! They can cause hair breakage and leave your hair very thin. We have some more dangerous hairstyles for you. Keep reading..

And then come our beloved hair spray! It doesn’t matter that what hairstyle we have we just need this little baby so that we can spray it and our hair look perfect! But we have never given a thought that how much harmful chemicals these hairspray possess which obviously aren’t doing any good for you hair or for the roots! They have the power to damage your hair in the worst possible way and it doesn’t even matter that if you are taking a very small quantity or a very large quantity! It would still damage it!

So after reading all the information I think you might have come to the conclusion where you wanna keep your hair healthy by doing nothing harmful on them! All you have to do is less hairstyling on your hair! Keep them simple so that your hair can maintain their health! So next time you are thinking to get a hairstyle do remember all this, and SHARE this with your friends too so they could know all about the health of their hair too!
