#1 While watching Star Wars..

Yeah, you read it right! All of this began when the guy's best friend went to see the most epic movie of all time.
#2 Even the start of the conversation is saddening

Something very bad is on the way.
#3 And, bam!

What kind of best friend spoils the movie for you?
#4 Nooooo..

Dying would have been so much better than this major spoiler.
#5 The only thing he cared about

And now, that is spoiled for him. Why is life so cruel?
#6 Life started to suck right about now

It is better to be friendless than having such careless friends. Agree? Then share and comment.
Source: http://www.wittyfeed.com/story/14503/his-best-friends-caught-his-girlfriend-cheating-but-the-worst-part