See Here: Mother shares powerful photos of her baby, miscarried at 16 weeks


During our sonogram appointment, I mentioned I was feeling extremely bloated. They told me they would consult with the doctor. That evening, we received a call notifying us that the doctor wanted to take a closer look on Monday morning.

Monday morning, more sonograms were done only to find that I had a Complex Ovarian Cyst, measuring about 10 cm. It was now no wonder why my stomach looked like I was 5 months pregnant, when I was only 7 weeks. It was recommended that we not go through a birthing center for prenatal care. In addition, we were instructed to consult with not only an OBGYN who specialized in high risk pregnancies, but also an oncologist for further treatment.

The morning of August 2nd, now 13 weeks pregnant, I woke up with a pain that I hadn’t felt before. I got up and within 30 minutes I was in tears, realizing this was not going away. We headed for the ER. They gave me all sorts of pain medicine but nothing was working. The cyst had twisted my ovary and needed to come out immediately before causing further damage. We were reassured that the baby would be safe and I would still be able to deliver naturally when the time came.

By 3 pm, I was on the operating table as they checked the baby through sonogram. Now perfectly formed, the baby was bouncing away, showing momma a strong heartbeat. They ended up removing the cyst, but before being discharged, we made sure that they checked on our baby. They found the heartbeat, leaving us at ease and happy we were going home.

August 19th, I woke to find that I was spotting blood. After a few hours, I was having cramps. I notified my husband and called the doctor and waited for a call back. My husband arrived by noon to the house to find me laying on our bed holding my stomach. I told him something wasn’t right. We decided not to wait for the doctor to call and headed to the ER.

They examined me and performed a sonogram, where we could see that something was wrong. My womb looked different. We asked to hear the baby’s heart and were told we had to wait for the doctor. Our hearts sank.

Finally, the doctor came in. “I’m sorry,” he said, “We were unable to detect a heartbeat.” Our hearts were immediately broken. We loved this baby from the moment we found out we were pregnant. A numbness came over me. Our OBGYN called and asked us to come in the next day.

We got home and told our kids the baby had passed away. A sadness filled our home. The joy and anticipation of having a baby came to a sudden end. Our faith shows us that through the good and bad, all things happen for a reason. We prayed that the Lord would reveal this to us and fill us with His peace.

The following morning we went to the doctor and confirmed through another sonogram – no heartbeat. We could see our precious baby laying in my womb as if peacefully sleeping. The doctor said we could have a D&C but our baby would not be removed in one piece, and the hospital would send our baby’s body to the lab. We knew that a D&C is one of the ways in which abortions are performed. We also knew we wouldn’t be able to lay our baby to rest, whole, in a dignified burial with this option.

Our other option would be to wait until my body naturally delivered the baby. The doctor said this could take weeks and labor could take all day and that I could hemorrhage. But as we knew this option would deliver our baby intact, we chose this option.

At 6 pm that day, the contractions began. My husband notified our parents and prepared the bed. Every two minutes my body was contracting.

At 7:52 pm, we delivered our precious and perfectly formed baby. My husband caught her and cut the umbilical cord that was the size of a string – so small, yet it was able to feed her all the nutrients needed since conception. My parents took her to our bathroom to bathe her. My husband stayed by my side and monitored me for complications. Once we knew we were out of danger, my husband and I got to hold our precious angel for the first time. She was absolutely perfect! She had everything – 10 fingers, 10 toes, lips, nose, ears, eyes, ribs, joints, brain, heart, lungs, etc.

We cried with sadness that we would never get to see her grow up, but within moments we were overcome by peace – a peace that only the Lord can provide. Our kids came into our room to meet and at the same time say goodbye to their sister. It was another opportunity the Lord used to unify us even more. My in-laws came over to see their grandbaby. As a family, we gazed at our precious baby girl, in awe of God’s perfect creation.

In a time when people debate whether or not this is a clump of tissue or a real human being, we know our daughter’s passing will not go in vain. Not only was there a soul assigned the moment we conceived but there was an entire, complete body of a person who just needed more time to develop.

We share our pictures so all can see a perfectly formed human. Our society needs to be aware that businesses like Planned Parenthood are lying to parents by telling them their babies are just tissue, not showing them there is a beating heart and a baby who deserves a chance at life. This clearly confirmed to us that our pro-life ministry work is needed and crucial to save our brothers and sisters from being executed at the hands of abortionists who are in a money-making business.

Even at a young age of 16 weeks – 4 months – our baby completed her mission for God. She saved her momma from a cyst that was undetected but continuing to grow. She also brought awareness that we cannot continue to allow the abortion industry to murder the voiceless.

The Lord is perfect in all He does. During the good, the bad, and the ugly we choose to glorify Him. We ask that you pray for us and those who work in pro-life ministry, that the Lord continue to give us strength and courage.
