See Here: No One Has Got Luckier Than These 12 People


So the person has got so much luck here! He got double dose of the fortune cookie but I just hope that the fortune cookie has something nice to say because if it is going to say that you are going to die in the next 48 hours then I don’t think so he would like that!

Seeing red has always made me very happy, and if I would have seen this red in Fruit Gushers then I might would have died of a heart attack filled with over joy! The person who got this is surely having a really nice day!

Tell me something over here! Have you ever met with a person who wouldn’t wanna eat marshmallows? I don’t think there is such kind of people left in this world! Well for this person he just got literally lucky! The finer things in life…

Holy crap!!!! Now this is something that I would say someone who has seen the face of death! But for instance I think this guy would certainly like to wash his iPhone! I mean that is just savage, and I guess that is when life trolls you! Nonetheless this guy must have been extremely happy!

When the joke is on you! I’m pretty sure that the person who is the owner of this car must have had a little stroke after seeing this scenario and it could be because of shock! But wouldn’t that be funny if someone would have said that it’s okay buddy the joke’s on you!

How much it would have satisfied such people who aren’t satisfied with what they are getting! They need more! But a person like me who has OCD wouldn’t be much glad by looking at this masterpiece of Oreo! Because the proportion doesn’t makes sense to me!

So if we talk technically the shot doesn’t make much of a winning shot, right? But whoever threw the second dart is heck of a shot! So now I know one thing that to give a bulls-eye shot you don’t have to perfect in dart, you can still give one hell of a dart shot!

The seal have got lucky, well at least we can say that at this particular moment he got lucky! I just really hope that the poor baby seal remains to be lucky the entire day, the seal should have definitely be saying to the shark in your face!!! And that my friend is what we call closure!

After this lucky incident, I think the guy would have given very serious thoughts to parking his car on the street! Because come on this could have scared anyone! If he would have taken the car a little back things weren’t have been this much well! So the guy and his car just got luckier!

Why are people taking pictures in situations like this! They should take a minute of their lives and think that while they are busy in taking the pictures what if the thing that is hanging falls down! Then I don’t think they would be that much happy and lucky!

Nailed it! This guy has no idea that he was just so close to the terrifying and painful moment! God this could have been so much worse than we could even imagine! What do you think? Don’t forget to SHARE this article with your friends.
