See Here: People Stare When These Best Friends Are Together…And Their Story Makes Them Cry!


David Douglas is a weightlifter and I guess I have already gave his introduction! He is a person who can bench 600 pounds and deadlift 770 but apart from that when it comes to him being a soft and kind-hearted person he can just sweep you off your feet with his sweetheart abilities! He is just so good in that! It would make you believe like he has some unlimited abilities and qualities!

When David Douglas met a little girl Lindsay Radcliffe who is 12-year old and is suffering from a very rare and incurable disease only then he got to find out and understood the real meaning of being strong! For some people being strong is how much tough and ripped you are but true strength is to face the problems and miseries of life! I think that what makes you strong from inside!

David and Linday met at a powerlifting event that was meant to benefit the children who are suffering from such rare diseases and since then they became the best buddies of each other. The event was called Relentless, and it was sponsored by HopeKids back in 2013! “You would never know that she was fighting something so hard,” Douglas told A Plus, “because she is always smiling.” They have such a beautiful bond of friendship with each other!

“Lindsay became my lil sis since day one,” Douglas writes. “There are no words to describe how I feel about her. She has pulled me out of rough spots just by thinking of her. That is a priceless gift.” Lindsay has a very rare genetic disorder which is called Progeria, and in this disease the person ages 8-10 times faster than its usual age! The doctors haven’t still came up with any hope that would cure or prevent this disorder in children!

“People looked at me as strong when everything about her was stronger,” writes David. And it is in fact so true! The girl who is at an age where her life is about to start with the adventurous journey is set back because of this incurable disease and still she has the courage to face, all this is just beyond commendable! She has been suffering a lot lately, and all of us know how the society treat people like these but now that Lindsay got a friend she doesn’t care about the rest! Their friendship would be definitely giving you some major friendship goals!

Douglas doesn’t consider little Lindsay just as a friend but he considers Lindsay as her little sister! And they are clearly inseparable from each other! Although Douglas has a very tough and busy schedule as he has to compete and participate in different weight lifting challenges but still he manages and takes out the time for his little friend and they play and have hell of a quality time with each other! Lindsay found a big brother and a friend in David!

When David Douglas was asked that what he thinks about his friendship and bond with little Lindsay he said, “She pulls me out of rough spots just by thinking of her. That is a priceless gift.” So yeah you can say that Lindsay is the one who gives strength to David and she inspires him a lot!

This bond of friendship shows that no matter how strong or tough you are from the outside, you could still find little pieces of strength in all places! Having a kind heart and ability to care toward others is something that is still precious and special to have in this world! If this story has inspired you don’t forget to SHARE is with your family and friends.
